Ondo NUJ Appeals To Gov’Aiyedatiwa To Rescue OSRC Media Group

The Ondo State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists wants Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa to save the state owned broadcast stations: OSRC TV, Orange 94.5 FM and Sunshine 96.5 FM from total collapse.

This was contained in a communique issued by the Union at the end of its monthly Congress presided over by its Chairman, Leke Adegbite last Thursday.

The Congress bemoaned the epileptic and deplorable conditions of the ONDO State Government- owned media organizations, the Ondo State Radiovision Corporation, OSRC, noting that the three channels, OSRC TV, Orange FM and Alalaye Radio have been off air for some times.

The Congress therefore tasked Governor Aiyedatiwa to take urgent step in saving the three broadcast stations from collapse

The News Reporters independently gathered that the three stations have been off air for months over lack of diesel to power generator among other challenges. The situation has left the productive workers of the station redundant as they now come to office hoping for a miracle.

Although findings showed that the stations have had to ration diesel in the past but the present situation seems to be the worst as the three stations have completely been off air for months running thereby denying the people of Ondo State access to information.

Finding also revealed that this perhaps is the worst moment in the life of a station once regarded as the pride of the sunshine State which the government is holding in trust for the people of Ondo State.

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